Wednesday 23 March 2011

China & Russia call for immediate cease-fire in Libya!

WOW!...Wonder what's gonna happen here? What if the US sez NO!

So many questions:

Latest...And now for ABC News:

China calls for immediate cease-fire in Libya

All parties must "immediately cease fire and resolve issues through peaceful means," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said at a regularly scheduled news conference, citing unconfirmed reports that the airstrikes had caused civilian deaths.

During Gates's Visit, Russian Defense Minister Calls for Immediate Cease-Fire

"Unfortunately, recent developments in the country demonstrate that it is experiencing real hostilities, destroying civilian facilities, and the killing of civilians," Serdyukov said. "This shouldn't have been let to happen and we informed our U.S. counterparts of our opposition."

BEIJING - China called Tuesday for an immediate cease-fire in Libya where the U.S. and European nations have launched punishing airstrikes to enforce a United Nations endorsed no-fly zone.

And here's another interesting development:

"North Korea also Tuesday urged an immediate halt to the airstrikes. An unidentified Foreign Ministry spokesman said they were "a wanton violation of Libya's sovereignty and a hideous crime against humanity." "

Now we can question:

No need to panic over Chinese warship off coast of Libya!

One of the most ironic developments in the Libyan crisis is the reaction of American military pundits to China dispatching a warship to the Mediterranean Sea.

The warship Xuzhou, which media outlets described as a "4,000-ton frigate, fully armed with air defence missiles," or simply as a "Chinese missile ship," would appear to a layperson to be both massive and powerful. The rationale that American analysts give for the Chinese deploying the Xuzhou is "projecting China’s power off the coast of Libya."


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